
We've reserved a block of rooms at the Abbey.

Please click on the following link to book…


The Abbey
Stanhope Street,
Athy, Co. Kildare,
R14 AD6312345

Other Accommodation

Below is a list of alternative spots for accommodation:

(In order of distance from the Abbey)

Other Spots:

Canalside B&B - T: 059 863 0433 | E: info@theauldshebeenbar.ie

Clanard Court Hotel - T: 059 864 0666 | E: info@clanardcourt.ie

Aurora House B&B - T: 059 863 3103 | E: aurorahouseathy@gmail.com

Kilkea Castle - T: 059 914 5600 | E: info@kilkeacastle.ie

Talbot in Carlow - T: 059 915 3000| E: info@talbothotelcarlow.ie

7 Oaks Carlow - T: 059 913 1308 | E: info@sevenoakshotel.com

Getting There

Located in Athy in the heart of County Kildare, The Abbey is an hour away from Dublin and has easy access to the M7, M9 and Athy Train Station.

Local Taxi & Transport

(Note: Taxi’s must be booked in advance)

Crom a Boo Cabs 059 863 2463

Vals Cabs Athy 059 914 0000

Carlow Cab Service 059 914 0000

Bridge Cabs (Carlow) 059 917 0777

Book a Bus (Dublin) 086 177 6034 www.bookabus.ie